Sunday, January 02, 2005

Love Forcasted In 2005?

2004 was brutal. My sons father passed away after a long battle with cancer. My dog died. My new husband left me. And my not-so-nice nieghbor tried to have me thrown out of my apartment because she hasn't anything better to do than to compound peoples misery.

2005 must be better. It has started on a good note. My 34th birthday. Man I'm old. When the heck did that happen? Last time I checked I was what, 24? I suppose it's better to be over the hill than under it. I'm not over it yet, but I'm certainly creeping towards it. My parents gave me a new computer for Christmas, with which I will be completing the first of my books and recording a new dance cd. My husband Michael came to visit from Texas for a few days over the holidays and things went remarkably well. Mikey likes me! He still likes me! He wants us to move down there but I not ready to make such a drastic move. My son is in school here and getting good grades. After the awful year he has also endured I don't want to yank him away from his friends and my parents and everything else familiar to him. Stabilty is key.

But I don't want to lose my husband and he is pretty stubborn about not moving back to Oklahoma. He has a job down there now and well, he just finds this place boring as hell. I find that with a good internet connection I can do a lot of my work from anywhere. I lived 26 years in New York and it was surely exciting, but stressful and costly as well. There is good and bad in all cities, just as in people. Being with those I love is most important. So I need to figure out how to work it out.


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